Here it is with the glider parts. We built the glider first before the transmitter arrived so we could play.
It's a plain speed build kit with their power pack A electronics.
Here it is with the power nose built and attached.
The build is very easy. There are no paper instructions, instead there is a build video available from flitetest that walks you through the process of constructing the plane. I bought some 1000 mAh batteries which are slightly too large to fit inside the fuselage really, so I strapped it to the top as you can see. It is nice because I can easily move it around to make the CG work.
Unfortunately it is also exposed during crashes so it can get thrown around a bit. The receiver is strapped on the back section because that allows me to move it around a bit also. It can fit inside but it is kind of tight.
Here's a video of my first flight
The first flight itself wasn't awful. Shortly afterwards, I crashed a few times and broke all my props. The ones I had in the kit were all 6x4.5 and I am going to try some other ones like 6x4 or 6x3 to see if that helps. Also, I am looking for some props that are made of a softer plastic so that they don't break so easily. It would be nice if they would bend a bit before just shattering.
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